Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Soap Ball Experiment

Late last year I ordered the small silicone 9 ball flexible mould from Aussie Soap Supplies.  I had read on other posts that it was easy to unmould and one of the tips I had picked up was to put your mould in the freezer to held with unmoulding.  I wasn't sure if this would really work with palm oil free cold pressed soap so I only ordered one mould.  Having some left over honey and oatmeal soap mix, I poured this into the cavities with if I'm honest expectations of future frustrations when unmoulding.  I had no idea of what to expect, after the soap had cured I popped the mould into the freezer wondering if the promise of perfectly round soap balls would soon materialise.

The brown marks are oatmeal and honey.
Note the air bubbles
After taking the mould out of the freezer, I was really surprised how easy they were to release from the mould.  As you can see in the photo, lovely round balls were formed each with diameters of 22mm.  I tried to get as many air bubbles out of them but because the soap had traced very quickly, it was alot thicker than what I would have chosen to pour into this mould.  I will bear this in mind for future use.  It is hard to see in this photo (I don't have a fancy smancy camera) but a lovely shine was left on the exterior of the balls from the high quality silicone that was used for making the mould.

Will I use this mould again?  Absolutely, I just wished that I had ordered a couple of these so I can make lots of soap balls at the one time.  One plan for these delightful balls is to use as embeds.  Hmm, I may need to order some more

Friday, 1 January 2016

New Years Day - Trip to Bridestowe Lavender Estate

Looking across the fields of lavender,
 Bridestowe Lavender Estate, Tasmania 
This morning was a fantastic start to 2016. Setting off bright and early we travelled to Bridestowe Lavender Estate. My husband and I knew we were in for a great treat when he drove round a bend to see a glimpse of waves of purple peaking through the trees.

On our arrival we were amazed to see such a beautiful scene less than an hour drive outside of Launceston.  The aroma was divine. I couldn't help it, I had to get close to this marvelous herb.

 Several different people had recommended we try the lavender scones in the cafe so whilst I was distracted by the scenery and aroma around me,  my husband made it his mission to go on reconascence to track down the famous lavender scones.  He came back excitably telling me that not only could we get the lavender scones but we could also order lavender latte as well.  Too bad if I didn't feel like heading to the cafe at that particular moment because clearly according to my husband's watch it was time for coffee.

My goodness, the latte was delicious and the scones were without a doubt the best scones I had ever tasted.  These were served with cream as well as rhubarb and lavender jam.  The flavours blended so well that there were no overpowering taste.

If you have read my previous post than you will know that one of my soap resolution this year is to be more creative in the use of different botanicals in my cooking.  A quick stop in the gift shop was in order and I now have some dried culinary lavender, rhubarb and lavender jam as well as some lavender syrup for adding to our coffee.  I akso came away with a bundle of complimentary recipe cards.

I'm itching to get home and try my hand at making my first batch of lavender scones.  Some of the other complimentary recipes include:

* Lavender Butter Cake
* Lemon and Lavender Cake
* Iced Bridestowe Lavender Tea
* Lavender Banana Cake
* Lavender Chocolate Cake
* Lavender Shortbread
* Potatoes with Lavender and Rosemary
* Lavender Brownies
* Lavender and Honey Ice Cream
* Lavender Babycakes
* Lavender Pancakes

Overall a thoroughly great way to start a new year

2016 Soapy Resolutions

Ringing in the new year is traditionally for most people the time to set resolutions usually which have been forgotten or broken by the end of January.  I've decided to set myself soapy resolutions for 2016.  Some will be specifically for soap making but others will be to challenge myself to use botanicals in other ways.

Looking back, it will be 10 years this coming July / August since I took my first venture into making soap and bath products.  A lot has happened over this time and so I feel it is time to get 'back to basics' where I'm going to challenge myself each week to try something new or revisit a technique or design that has sat on the proverbial shelf waiting patiently to be the belle of the ball.

I've also decided that this year I am going to focus on creating blends for example that are reminiscent of places I've visited or memories that have a special meaning to me.

Below are some things I have already earmarked to challenge myself with:

Techniques - 
* Landscape designs
* Taiwan Swirl
* Brush Embroidery
* Ombre Gradient Soap
* Feathered ITP Swirl
* Wall Pour
* Embeds
* Clyde Slide

Soaps - 
* Salt bars
* Beer Soap
* Whipped Soap

Other -
* Massage Bars
* Exfoliating Bars
* Tea Baths
* Bath / Shower Fizzies
* Body Butter

Culinary - 
* Herbal Tea blends
* Culinary Lavender
* Herbal vinegars, honey, herbal infused oil 

Household Cleaners - 
* Herbal Carpet Cleaners
* Natural Cleaners etc

Already this is a really long list, so how am I going to achieve my resolutions?  By being organised.  I've already scheduled weekly reminders in my calendar for a) planning the next week challenge and b) setting time aside to create the existing week challenge.  I also plan to mix it up i.e one week make soap, the next week using botanicals in my cooking etc.

Happy New Year everyone